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June 3, 2014 Pastor Len Crow set out on a record setting ride from Dead Horse, Alaska to Guadalajara, Mexico. This ride will be over 6,000 miles and take approximately 11 months to complete. Pastor Crow is hoping to raise $1 million to benefit Children's Homes around the world. You may also call the Lakota of Ohio office for more information or to make a donation. Thank you!
Watch the Christmas Special that aired on December 22, 2014 on Ken McNabb's TV show on RFD-TV featuring Pastor Len Crow, Gary Stites and the Ride For Missions below.
Part 1 >>>
Part 2 >>>
Gary Stites joined Pastor Crow in Alaska to kick off this great ride!
Update: June 18, 2014
Ride for Orphans
By Gary Stites
This past week has been one of significance for me. I have been given the opportunity to join, as well as sponsor, a major equestrian event. Pastor Len Crow from Orillia, Ontario is riding a horse from Deadhorse, Alaska to Guadalajara, Mexico. This will be the longest trail ride in North and Central American history. We began the trip on June 3, 2014. The trip will be 6,970 miles and will take approximately a year. The purpose of the trip is to raise awareness and support for children who need our help in the Philippines, Cambodia, Mexico, and to be added, India and Guatemala. I have been helping Pastor Len for the past 8 years in the Philippines and Cambodia. Many of the people we help in Cambodia are descendants of South Vietnamese that I served with during the Vietnamese War, who escaped to Cambodia after the war. Helping those in Cambodia has helped me to add purpose to my service there in 1966-67, and to my friends who gave their lives. Many of those men were from London, Ohio, also.
On the next report, I will relate some of the experiences of this trip, as I rode the first 130 miles on horseback with Pastor Len. I hope to rejoin him soon. The route we are riding is know as the "Ice Truckers Highway" or haul road, as the truckers call it. The formal name is the Dalton Highway. It is mostly gravel and dirt and it gets very slick, even when it is not snowing. We also rode the pipe line, which parallels the highway in some areas. One morning we did receive 4 inches of snow to start us off. Every night it still drops below freezing and in one day we experienced, warm, cold, wet, snow, and 50 mile an hour winds. The truckers tell us that we are the first horseback riders they have ever seen on this road. Over the period of the next year, we hope to raise $1,000,000 to support 5 children's homes. You may follow our progress by looking for us on Facebook (Ride for Missions VI Pony Express for Orphans) and by visiting our website.
Thank you for your prayers and support!

His Asia Mission
Mission trip Jan. Feb. 2014
It took three years to get back to the Philippines and Cambodia, but I finally made it. With several trips to Cleveland Clinic changing my schedule several times, it was difficult to complete numerous plans to return. However with 14 months since my last aorta surgery behind me and no major problems, the time was right. Actually I hoped to return a couple months sooner, in December with my wife, Linda, but my daughter Leah was ill. We believe the problem has been discovered with her health and we hope she will start treatment soon, for a leaking spinal cord. Linda could not make this trip, because Leah was still sick. I felt I needed to complete some business that would not wait, so I departed alone on this trip.
This trip focused on two concerns. The first was in the Philippines. We have rented a building in the Philippines in the GMA area, as it is known, and used it for a church for the past seven years. However a year ago the owner decided to sell this building. It would leave our congregation there with no church building. I have known of the risk of losing the building, but did not have the funds to purchase it, until lately. The Lord provided the money through, my business and it was sent in escrow to the Philippines several months ago, but was awaiting my release, before it could be used to purchase the building. An agreement has now been made and the paper work should be following soon, if no new problems develop. I was able to sign necessary papers of incorporation while I was there, so the purchase can proceed when the seller has the necessary documents complete. William (Buddy) Brown from the U.S. will be signing also as an additional foreign director. Three Philippinos will complete the board. We celebrated with a pizza party after the Wednesday night service. It was joyous for everyone. Thank you Lord.
Pastor Joseph, of the GMA church, has been preaching at a local prison and on the next day a jail. He asked me to present a message to the inmates while I was there. They are always very receptive of my messages as I have spoken to other groups before. It seems as though they have great appreciation, that someone would come around the world, just to tell them about the free gift our father in heaven has offered us. The enthusiasm is evident as I finished with my presentation and many raised their hand to turn there life over to our creator through His son. Who am I to judge anyone who I speak to while behind the confinement of the authorities. Many of these men will have a better future, then many outside without hope. Sometimes, we have to be at our lowest before we seek and accept help. It was evident on our visit to the prison and jail. Thank you Lord for directing our words and thoughts. Your love was evident.
A highlight in the Philippines was speaking at Harvestors school. There were students from all grades through college, as there is a seminary there also. It is encouraging to see the enthusiasm the young people show for knowledge regarding our savior. I so much love to share the love and words our Lord gives me, with the future hope for Christians on the other side of this earth, we live on. These young people will carry His gift well. Thank you Lord, again.
As I know many pastors in the Philippines, I am often asked to share my testimony at different churchs. This was the case one Thursday night when a little church filled every seat to hear what a white fellow from the other side of the world knew about Jesus. I thank Pastor Henry and his wife for inviting me to speak at their church. I enjoyed everyone and hopefully they enjoyed me. As I tell them, I am always very comfortable to travel around the world and speak to Christians anywhere and especially in the Philippines. I have been there for nearly 8 years now. When I speak to Christians, I am speaking to people who I will spend eternity with. I may not see them again until we are called, but we will see each other again. Maybe I can return and see them before we are called, but if I do not make it back, I explained what my, wife, daughters, and I share as we depart. "Be There". Which means, if one or all of are called, we will meet with our savior in heaven. 1st John 5:13 confirms that feeling, many of us have, that we can know we have eternal life. Being born again John 3:3, is knowing that very fact. If you are blessed to know, you are responsible to share. I love to share, and to see the smiles, and tears, as brothers and sisters, accept that free gift that Jesus died to give us. The most precious gift, the most valuable gift, and you can give it away and keep it at the same time. The only thing you can take with you to heaven is people. I hope to need a train. Pastor Henry told me three people were saved Thursday night. Maybe I can go back on a Sunday. Or maybe you can go. After all, it is not me that saves. I just carry the message. You can carry it too. Jesus saves and the Holy Spirit will never fail. So why not share. Thank you Lord for allowing me to share one more time, and I pray you will guide those who committed their life to you during this mission trip. Only you know whose heart was truly opened for you. May you bless them.
Once before, as I hated to leave my brothers and sisters in the Philippines, I threw a pizza party. It was a success, so we decided to try it again. We ordered 16 large pizzas and added a few extra treats thanks to Pastor Jings wife. Of course with 74 children and many adults, nothing went to waste. They do not have a treat like this often. It is a blessing to see the smiles and excitement as the party time approaches. It is an opportunity for me to touch everyone just a little. I do love them all, just like Jesus does. Well not just like Him, as he knows how many hairs on each head and much more, but I do love and care for them. I think he tells us to care for those who have the least, as we would care for Him. Matt:25:40. I would like to do more. Maybe you can help too.
Well more did happen in the Philippines, like riding a horse up a volcano, driving a tricycle, shopping at a mall, and open market, and more, but it is time to move the story to Cambodia. It took most of the day by air, as I had a lay over in Singapore. Not much to see there from the airport, but it did add a country to my travels. Actually I was last there in 1967, while in Vietnam, I went on R&R there. It was a really needed vacation then. I returned with only 13 days left and almost did not make it through the 13 days. Thank you Lord.
My friend and best prayer partner in the world Pastor Len Crow, has gotten me into more challenges than anyone in the world. But the work is always for the Lord, so I will not complain. Actually he started me into mission work. It started when he wanted to use my stagecoach to raise money for a children's home. As we proceeded, the stagecoach went across Canada and carried Miss Teen Canada in the biggest parade, I have ever seen. Over 500,000 people showed up to celebrate Alberta's 100 year anniversary. Over 30,000 dollars was raised and Pastor Len called me later and asked me to help spend it in the Philippines expanding a children's home. We laid block at 90 degrees and that was the beginning.
This trip returned me to Cambodia to meet with Pastor Crow to help with the establishment of a new children's home. The existing home is in Phnom Penh and the new one will be in Siem Reap, about 200 miles north. A building has been located and a deposit has been put down. Unfortunately the funds are about $50,000 short right now, we are praying about that need. The children in Phnom Penh were going to be moved to Siem Reap, but it appears now that a new building will be acquired for the children in Phnom Penh and additional children will live at the new Siem Reap home. Details change daily, but the old Phnom Penh home is not suitable anymore, so changes are happening. The neighborhood has drastically changed.
Although we did accomplish some repair work in Phnom Penh, we focused mostly on the changes about to take place. A motorbike was purchased as transportation for the pastor, who will managing the Siem Reap Home, Pastor Roth. An apartment was rented to house him and his wife as they prepare for the new home and the supply needs it will have. Pastor Roth will be meeting people in the area and start bible studies there. As the building is acquired a church will also be started.
Pastor Crow, and I discussed the upcoming event that will be taking place this year to raise money to support theses children homes. He will be riding a horse, actually rotating three horses, form Dead Horse Alaska to southern Me xico. He will have services along the way and will take a year to complete the trip. This will be the longest trail ride by one person in North and Central American history. The ride starts June 1 from Dead Horse. Please check the web site and consider making a contribution. We need to raise 1,000,000 for five children homes.
A return trip is not scheduled yet, but will be in the future. The trail ride will be focused on first as we need funds desperately.
Call Gary at 740-506-1713 anytime with any questions. You can also email Gary at misterrvhq@aol.com
Find out more information about this ministry at www.hisasiamission.org
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Past trips to Cambodia and Philippines
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